Staff training and accreditations

Our knowledge of industry best practice standards leads us to not only engage the best people, but also keep up-to-date in all relevant disciplines.

Our passion and knowledge of industry best practice standards leads us to to keep up to date in all disciplines.

Through our continuing policy of encouraging professional development all the members of both our business and clinical teams receive regular support and communication through both team and one-to-one meetings.

Data and intellectual property

Our approach to training extends to our internal IT systems and our data management responsibilities for the appropriate guardianship of case information.

Recolo’s regulated by the Information Commisioner’s Office (ICO) and is a registered data controller. Consequently, all of Recolo’s clinical intellectual property is managed carefully as a key priority.

The constant need for confidentiality and respect of information relating to the clients we work with is reflected in our continuing investment in robust and secure IT systems and networks.

We always base our neuropsychological rehabilitation on research evidence

We actively research the latest developments in child neuropsychological rehabilitation and have contributed to and edited several key publications on the subject.

We’re continously developing a range of tailor-made and standardised interventions based on research literature and outcome research. All our work is measured using standardised outcome measures and is audited at scheduled review points during treatment. We choose to use a goal-based approach to track objectives and outcomes and are leading providers in training for goals and Goal Attainment Scaling (GAS)

Society and community

Untreated childhood brain injury can impose a heavy economic and social burden for the individual client, their families and society as a whole.

‘Brain injury is a lifelong condition and can attribute to lower employment, educational underachievement, higher social care costs and increased criminal behaviour’ (Williams et al. 2010; Todis et al. 2011).

As we aim to improve the outcomes for children and young people with brain injury we hope to see a reduction in long-term costs to families, services and to society in general.